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The Nest

We are immensely happy to be joining the conversation with Sam Redway, and Steve Benford organised by Nesta Wednesday 16th May 2022 at 2:30 pm[…]

Robots @Broadway Near Now

We are running a series of events at Broadway Cinema this half term, do come and join us! Design and build your own Scribble Bot,[…]

Outdoor Adventures

We are pleased to announce Outdoor Adventures a new 3-year Early Years project in collaboration with Liz Clark from Turned on its Head. Supported by[…]


We are super excited to announce that we are one of the two winners of the National Gallery X -HOME: Zero commission. Our collaborators are[…]

Dancing with Robots

Artist Residency @ Trust Autonomous Systems Hub We are pleased to be part of a team of artists @ the TAS Hub. We spoke at[…]

Thingamabobas – online panel discussion

The University of Nottingham, Lakeside Arts has teamed with us, artists and primary schools in Hong Kong and in the UK to test proposed Education[…]

Grow Your Own Adventure

Making stories with children Working in collaboration with the University of Nottingham, Horizon’s Co-Production Campaign. Work will involve the co-design and building of an easily accessible Digital Storytelling Assistant[…]

Touchless Interactions

We open tomorrow. We are so excited after months of work we are finally here with Thingamabobas, an immersive experience of mechanical and kinetic structures. It[…]

Thingambobas R&D

The Thingamabobas began with two weeks of R&D took place in September 2021 and was supported by Lakeside Arts, Nottingham, UK. Rachel and I worked[…]

Oxjam Beeston

The first Virtual Oxjam (VOxjam) Summer Music Festival in 2020. The Festival was streamed online and brought alive the sound of music in gardens, flats,[…]